This Has Always Been

This Has Always Been, hosted by Emily and Lori! This has always been a podcast, anyone who tells you differently is lying.
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S1E10 - 6 Feet Apart
S1E9 - Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
Reference topics:Contact:

Email us at or tweet at us at THABPodcast

S1E8 - Things We've Done: King Spa Edition
S1E7 - Giftmore Girls
S1E6 - It's Really F*cking Cold


  • We're not doctors. Lori said 6000mg of vitamin d, but it turns out she meant 200mg. Please consult a doctor before taking any medicine or vitamins, or at least follow the label.
  • When Emily said silk underwear, she didn't mean like, sexy underwear. More like long johns. Her family isn't like that.
S1E5 - Trader Bros

This is the fall episode!

We discuss:

S1E4 - Netflix and Spill

We had some audio issues this episode, but they get resolved around the 7 minute mark. Apologies!

This week we talk about Always Be My Maybe, staring Ali Wong and Randall Park.


S1E3 - Old Spice Girls

Note: This episode was not brought to you by Old Spice and we are not affiliated.

Major thanks to our friend Austin Heller for the amazing cover art for our podcast!

Volcano - Full disclosure, we smelled the antiperspirant and have only later realized there is no deodorant version of it. Oops!

Deep Sea


Wolfthorn - I was initially told that this was discontinued, but given that it's still available online, it appears that I was lied to.


S1E2 - Bad App Factory

Where we talk about app ideas that shouldn't be created.

S1E1 - Ickstarter
Episode References:

We tried to record with just 1 mic and sat far away from it. We regret that now.